Sunday, March 4, 2012

Poser Birds, I'm No Charlie Sheen

As much as I miss Midway, it is so awesome to be surrounded by hella different species of birds again.  For three months, I saw only 30 species.  Now I can go into a city park and see 30 species in 30 minutes.  I had forgotten how cool it was.  On another note, I have not been feeling very much like Charlie Sheen lately.  I'm striking out when I chase vagrants across the city, my bets at the racetrack did NOT pay out today, and now Facebook wants me to get Timeline.  Life is slightly Pain.  Although, it could be much more painful.  For example, Felonious Jive lost his second camera in three years today (this time to water damage).  If you have a heart, or a soul, or feelings, you should stop by and give him your condolences.  Or maybe just give him like six hundred bucks so that he can keep blogging about birds and raging.  Today at the tracks I thought I had a Glaucous Gull for about two minutes.  Then I reviewed my photos and found that it was a sneaky-ass Glaucous-winged Gull posing as his much rarer cousin.

Mostly, what I saw looked like this bird's left wing.  Snowy white primaries.  But real life set in and the super gray right wing took control. : (

This Western Gull has the gnarliest, biggest, yellowest bill I've seen.  Pretty much a YFGU poser.

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