Friday, October 21, 2011

Don't You Have Anything Better To Do?

Very slow yesterday until Mark and Liz radioed that they were seeing a Connecticut Warbler down at the Carp Shop.  This happened at about 6 PM as it was getting dark.  I managed to get a decent look at it, and one (maybe identifiable) photo of it.  As everyone of course knows, Connecticut Warblers are the sneakiest of all creatures.  They lurk about.  They walk on the ground through bushes.  They frustrate birdwatchers everywhere they go.  In any case, it is now light again outside and I'm going out to look for it.  Here's my epic CONW photo:

A very cute mouse.  This is the most closely related species to Connecticut Warbler.  They are little, sneaky, and hard to see.

Connecticut Warbler.  Can you tell?

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