Band-tailed Pigeons in Duarte. I pretty much consider this one art. |
What are these Damselflies called? I saw them in the San Gabriel River bed. |
Band-tailed Pigeons in Duarte. I pretty much consider this one art. |
What are these Damselflies called? I saw them in the San Gabriel River bed. |
Northern Rough-winged Swallow. San Gabriel River. |
Yellow-chevroned Parakeet. Whittier Narrows. |
Crummy shot of one of the Grasshoppers. Rowland Heights, CA. |
Scored a Greater Roadrunner from the car. Always fun to see these punks. |
Ball-nosed Goose (Domestic Swan-goose). Apollo Park. |
Ewe. I was trying to take Tricolored Blackbird photos in this field, but the only good picture I came up with was this. |
This is what most of the day consists of at Couch Burning. Golfing, and trying to intimidate other golfers. |
Love at the Couch Burning. Tyler and Ashley. |
This is how the Burn gets its name. |
Sultry by the fireside. Living up to her namesake. |
This person is British. It is very surprising to see a British acting in this fashion. |
Phainopepla. Borderline art. |
Acorn Woodpecker. Could be anywhere, anytime. |
I would appreciate it if one of my friends would ID this for me. I could maybe do it, but my butterfly book is out in the car and I don't feel like getting it. |
Stella Orangetip. Nuff said. |
First ever American Goldfinch for TPAD? I think so. |
I'm pretty sure Anna's Hummingbird is the most posted bird on TPAD. I'll try to stop shooting them. Anyhow, here's an adult female trying to stab a fledgling's throat out. |
Pacific-slope Flycatcher near Whittier, CA. |
You tell me what this one is. I'm too embarrassed to guess. How embarrassing. |
This is prolly the coolest thing I saw today. It looked like it could kill a lot of stuff. |
This is from a few days ago. I just needed to include a bird. Nice photo, except for the grass in its face. Oh yeah, and it's a Chipping Sparrow in case you weren't aware. |
California Gnatcatcher. Near El Monte, California. The first I have photographed. |
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher near Palmdale. God I miss Palmdale. |
Allen's Hummingbird staredown. This isn't as intimidating as the Swainson's Hawk staredown a few days ago. |
TPAD's first ever Hooded Oriole. Isn't it glorious? |
Wish I coulda gotten a tiny bit closer. This shot woulda been epic. Like fresh pow pow. |
I found this California Towhee endlessly trying to kill the demon Cal Towhee from another dimension. In vain. |
House Wren, bellowing. If you want to see good pictures of bellowing birds, go here: |
Bad photo, but here's a Great Horned Owl with some strange white gremlin type creature peering out from behind it. |
A SY? male Anna's Hummingbird at some golf course in Chino. |
I performed my most successful pishing to date on this handsome Bullock's Oriole. I was proud. |
Ruddy Duck at Apollo. Glistening. |
Swainson's Hawk locked in a staring contest to the death with a photographer. East Palmdale. |
Best bird at work this morning was Scott's Oriole. There were two. They love eating at these Joshua Tree flowers. |
At Apollo Park, there were two Ross's Geese and a Snow Goose. Weird. I don't know if they're just always there or what. Here's a Ross's. Goose-stepping past the garbage. |