Sunday, September 11, 2011


Yesterday was mostly slow.  Super foggy.  A few warblers still cruising around.  Nothing crazy.  Then while I was fixing dinner, Matt found a Painted Bunting on Corm Blind Hill.  I ran outside and finally got on it after about an hour, just as it was getting dark.  No usable photos of the thing, but hopefully it is out there right now and I can go snap a few off for tomorrow's TPAD.  Here's some marginal stuff in the meantime.  This morning looks very promising, by the way.  Could be a Mega Wave.  Keep fingers crossed for Asian Goodnes.

Wandering Tattler, yelling.

Spizella.  But which one?  I will mail a gold star to the first correct responder.  Just send your name, answer, and a self addressed stamped envelope to:

Too Photos A Day
1 Cartpath Lane
Southeast Farallon Island
San Francisco, CA

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